The Anxious Artist

What makes you nervous?

Monkeys make me nervous. Testing and experimenting with new styles makes me nervous, sharing them publicly makes me even more nervous.

Artists often find ourselves navigating a sea of uncertainty, where the known and the unknown alike can evoke nervousness. Yet, amidst this turbulence, nervousness becomes our faithful companion, a survival mechanism that’s wound up within us, urging us to tread cautiously or you might be torn apart by vegetarian fanged monkeys.

It’s a paradoxical dance, Success and failure both trigger the same visceral response – nervousness. Success can offer validation and affirmation, it also carries the weight of expectation and the fear of maintaining it. On the other hand, failure, with its sharp sting, whispers doubts and insecurities, igniting the flames of nervous anticipation.

However It’s not a foe, it’s more of a guide, a compass pointing us towards growth. It’s a reminder that we’re pushing boundaries, stepping out of comfort zones, and daring to dream audaciously.

In the pursuit of our artistic endeavors, nervousness becomes a rite of passage, a sign that we’re on the right path. It signifies that we’re venturing into uncharted territory, where creativity thrives.

So, how do we navigate this labyrinth of nervous anticipation? We embrace it. We acknowledge the butterflies in our stomachs as a sign that we’re alive, that we’re passionate about our craft. We recognise that while nervousness can attract danger, it can also be the catalyst for greatness.

Instead of shying away from discomfort, we lean into it. We accept the invitation to step onto the stage, to share our art with the world – be it through radio interviews, social media platforms, or any other medium that beckons us to showcase our creations.

Yes, it’s nerve-wracking. Yes, it’s daunting. But therein lies the magic. It’s in those moments of vulnerability, of raw authenticity, that connection is forged. It’s where our art transcends mere expression and becomes a shared experience.

So I urge you to embrace your nervousness. Embrace the uncertainty, the fear, the doubt – for they are the stepping stones on the path to greatness. Take that leap of faith, knowing that even if you stumble, you’ll rise stronger, wiser, and more resilient than before.

It’s in the dance with nervousness that we discover our true potential, our boundless creativity, and our ability to thrive as artists.

So let your nervousness be your guiding star on this exhilarating journey of creation, exploration, and self-discovery. After all, the greatest masterpieces are often born from the trembling hands of those who dared to dream.

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