Cold Hard Art

I’ve ventured into new but somehow familiar territory with my latest works—abstract ai assisted wallpaper artworks featuring the extinct Pyrenean Ibex. This time, my beloved Hypno Bat isn’t as deeply hidden within the patterns of the wallpaper. Instead, I’ve been experimenting with tinting the wallpaper in subtle shades, creating a more prominent yet still mysterious presence.

In these new pieces, the Hypno Bat emerges more clearly, guiding the viewer’s eye with gentle, almost imperceptible waves of color. These waves symbolise the waves of hypno goodness emanating from the artwork, a visual representation of our collective responsibility to prevent more amazing creatures from vanishing. The hypnotic patterns draw you in, not just aesthetically but emotionally, urging us to remember and act to preserve the biodiversity that still exists.

The process of creating these pieces has been both challenging and invigorating. Balancing the abstract elements with the often an unclear recollection of the Pyrenean Ibex, I strive to evoke a sense of loss and hope simultaneously. The subtle shades and hypnotic waves are my way of communicating the fragility and power of our natural world and the urgency with which we must protect it.

How do you feel about cold weather?

When it comes to cold weather, I have a bit of a love-hate relationship. There’s a certain gratitude I feel towards the freezing cold because it reminds me of my capacity to adapt and find warmth again. Recently, I’ve been delving into the teachings of Wim Hof, experimenting with the health benefits of cold exposure. Regular cold showers have become a part of my routine.

Mentally, cold exposure has been a game-changer. Despite the initial discomfort—my body’s instinctive scream to retreat—I find that it boosts my mood and resilience. This practice has made tackling difficult tasks more manageable. The ability to endure something as challenging as cold showers translates into an increased capability to face other life challenges.

This resilience is crucial for me as an artist. The art world demands a thick skin and the willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone. Whether it’s organising an exhibition, speaking on a podcast, or writing an artist blog, these are the difficult tasks that push me forward. They are the milestones of personal and professional growth.

Nothing significant comes from staying within the bounds of comfort. It’s the uncomfortable, the challenging, and the downright hard experiences that pave the way for true achievement. As I continue to explore and evolve in my Hypno Bat series, I remind myself to embrace these challenges, much like I embrace the cold, knowing that each step is a testament to my commitment to my art and my growth as an individual.

My journey with the Hypno Bat series and my personal battles with cold exposure are intertwined narratives of persistence and transformation. They remind me that discomfort can be a powerful catalyst for creation and change, urging me to never settle and to always strive for more.

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