Creative Immortality

We all have the same 24 hours a day, yet how we choose to spend them can vary drastically. Recently, I’ve found myself pondering this question more often: “How do I waste the most time every day?” The answer is not as straightforward as it might seem, especially when you love what you do but long for something more.

I spend most of my days working in our cafe art gallery, a place where creativity and community converge over cups of coffee and pieces of art. It’s a vibrant space, filled with the hum of conversations, the aroma of fresh brews, and the visual feast of changing art displays. Yet, as much as I love this environment, it often feels like I’m squandering my time—time that could be spent diving into my true passion: creating art.

How do you waste the most time every day?

Lately, I’ve been deeply immersed in a hallucinogenic kaleidoscope of immortal jellyfish. This piece is a psychedelic exploration, capturing the mesmerising, almost surreal beauty of these fascinating creatures. Immortal jellyfish, known scientifically as Turritopsis dohrnii, have the unique ability to revert to their juvenile form after reaching adulthood, essentially rendering them biologically immortal. This extraordinary lifecycle inspires this piece, mirroring my own desire to continuously evolve and transform through my art. When I’m working on my artworks, hours slip by unnoticed, and I’m entirely in my element. It’s a stark contrast to my hours at the cafe gallery, where the demands of running a business often overshadow the serenity of creating.

Running a cafe art gallery is no small feat. It involves early mornings, long hours, and a constant balancing act between managing the business and fostering a creative environment. From serving customers while dreaming of curating and creating exhibitions, the tasks are endless. While I find joy in seeing our patrons appreciate the art and savor their coffee, I can’t help but feel a tinge of regret for the time not spent creating.

So, how do I waste the most time every day? It’s not in the conventional sense of wasting time through idle activities. Instead, it’s the time spent away from my true passion that feels like the biggest loss. Working in the cafe art gallery is fulfilling in many ways, but it’s not the same as losing myself in the process of creation.

To mitigate this, I’ve started to carve out dedicated hours for my artwork. Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, I ensure that each day includes a few precious moments devoted solely to illustrating. It’s a small step, but it helps bridge the gap between my professional responsibilities and personal aspirations.

Ultimately, the key is to find a balance. While the cafe gallery might feel like a distraction from my art, it also provides a platform to showcase my work and connect with a community that appreciates creativity. It’s about finding joy in the everyday moments and making the most of the time we have.

For anyone feeling the same tug-of-war between passion and profession, remember that every minute spent doing what you love is never truly wasted. Whether it’s a few minutes or a few hours, make time for your passions. It’s these moments that add color to our lives, much like the hallucinogenic patterns of my immortal jellyfish artwork.

In the end, time is what we make of it. So, let’s make it beautiful.

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