The best job in the world

What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

There’s this wild allure to imagining myself as an astronaut, floating through space, or plunging into the depths of the ocean like Jacques Cousteau. But let’s be real, the sheer terror of those realities sends shivers down my spine.

So, what’s a job I’d love to do for just one day? It has to be an Artist, but not just any artist; a bonafide creative powerhouse, armed with a studio that’s a playground for my imagination. Canvases stretch as far as the eye can see, paints of every hue line the shelves, and tools of the trade are at my beck and call. It’s a world where inspiration flows freely, and there’s no limit to what I can create.

The only problem is I don’t want just one day of this bliss. I want a lifetime. I want to wake up every morning knowing that my purpose is to unleash my creativity upon the world. However It’s not just about the art itself; it’s about finding the delicate balance between passion and pragmatism. Sure, I could get lost in creating art, but I also have bills to pay and dreams to chase.

You may have noticed that I’ve been distracted by NFT’s at the moment, however they’re not exactly paying the bills right now. Sure, they’re a fantastic promotional tool and a savvy long-term investment, but in the meantime, I need streams of income that actually, you know, flow.

So I’m trying to find that sweet spot—the intersection where creativity meets commerce. It’s about working smarter, not harder. Because let’s face it, being an artist isn’t just about making pretty things; it’s about challenging conventions, pushing boundaries, and carving out a space for yourself in a world that often overlooks the value of creativity.

So, here’s to the dreamers, the schemers, and the artists with fire in their souls. May we never lose sight of our vision, even when the realities of life threaten to dim our spark. After all, it’s not just about one day—it’s about every day, lived with passion, purpose, and a healthy dose of creativity .

Below is a recent commission I did personalising my Aardvark from my up and coming kids book – Uncommon Animals of the Alphabet. If you would like a personalised print or a limited edition original please connect with me via my contact page.

A is for Amelia and Aardvark personalised print

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