Extinct Wallpaper

I recently completed an artistic piece that I’ve named “Extinct Wallpaper.” This creation features the mysterious Tasmanian Tiger, or thylacine, a creature thought to be extinct since the 1930s. Yet, tales of its sightings persist, sparking hope and curiosity. Personally, I yearn for these majestic creatures to still roam the earth, but paradoxically, I also hope they remain elusive. Human history has shown we are not the best stewards of such rare and wondrous life.

I’ve turned to artificial intelligence to bring them back from the dead in a way that is hopefully aesthetic and poignant. I’ve crafted popular wallpaper patterns that showcase these little-understood beings, not just as decorative elements, but as solemn reminders of our duty to protect and preserve the vulnerable species that still exist.

Purchase Extinct Wallpaper NFT’s on Revel

Do you remember life before the internet?

Growing up before the advent of the internet, I never imagined I would one day be using such advanced technology to create art. Our technological strides have been immense and swift. This progress is a double-edged sword. While it has empowered us to achieve incredible feats, I fear we might be treading dangerously close to becoming the next creatures marked for extinction.

Despite these apprehensions, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunities the internet has created for artists. For many of us who once struggled in obscurity, it has become a lifeline, transforming starving artists into thriving ones. The digital age has democratised art in unprecedented ways. Platforms like Instagram, Etsy, and Patreon allow us to reach global audiences, bypassing traditional gatekeepers like galleries and publishers.

Through social media, I can share my work with thousands of people instantly. I’ve connected with a community of fellow artists and enthusiasts who provide support, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities. Online marketplaces have given me a platform to sell my creations directly to art lovers around the world. Crowdfunding platforms help me fund ambitious projects that would have been financially out of reach otherwise.

“Extinct Wallpaper” is more than just a piece of art. It’s a call to action and a reflection on our technological capabilities. While we can use AI to breathe life into the past in creative ways, it’s crucial to remember our responsibility towards the present and future. Let’s celebrate the marvels of our natural world and work tirelessly to ensure that no more species fade into the realm of “extinct wallpaper.”

As we navigate this high-tech era, let’s hope our advancements lead to preservation rather than destruction. And let’s cherish the power the internet has bestowed upon us to make art, spread awareness, and inspire change. Here’s to hoping that one day, our need for “extinct wallpaper” becomes a relic of the past, a testament to a time when we learned to value and protect the living wonders of our planet.

Purchase Extinct Wallpaper NFT’s on Revel

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