The benefits of creative play

What was the last thing you did for play or fun?

Kids are always encouraged to make art, mud pies and cubby houses but somewhere along the line all these creative play activities seem to fall by the wayside, and I have no idea why. It’s probably that thing of needing to get an education learning boring stuff, so you can grow up and get a boring job and a creatively unfulfilled life. I know that seems harsh, but why on earth would we put creative play on the back burner? Especially when creative play has so many positive benefits.

1. Stress Reduction: Engaging in creative play provides a healthy outlet for stress, allowing you to unwind and escape from the pressures of daily life. Whether it’s painting, crafting, or playing an instrument, these activities can be therapeutic. I personally feel like my mental health is in a much happier range when I’m creative. As soon as I stop, I pretty quickly fall back into my depressed cycles.

2. Brain Boost: Creative play stimulates your grey cells, promoting problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and enhanced memory. It challenges the brain, which is actually a good thing and it contributes to overall brain health. Who knows it might even help prevent dementia… who knows.

3. Enhanced Productivity: Taking breaks for creative play can boost productivity and creativity in other aspects of life. It helps break mental blocks, even art blocks and leads to fresh perspectives and creative thinking. So I’m probably best to take regular breaks from being a cafe boss and go out to the back store room/art studio and splash some paint around. Or at the very least do some sketches during my lunch break.

4. Mindfulness and Presence: Engaging in creative play encourages mindfulness, promoting a focus on the present moment. This meditative aspect can reduce anxiety, increase self-awareness, and improve overall mental clarity.

5. Personal Growth: Exploring your creativity can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace challenges, and develop a deeper understanding of your capabilities.

6. Lifelong Learning: Creative play fosters a mindset of continuous learning and exploration. Whether it’s learning a new instrument, trying a new art form, or experimenting with different creative outlets, it keeps the mind engaged and curious.

7. Joy and Fun: Above all, adult creative play brings joy and a sense of fun into daily life. It allows individuals to tap into their inner child, fostering a positive outlook and a greater appreciation for the lighter aspects of life.

Incorporating creative play into adulthood is not just a luxury; it’s a great tool for your well-being. So, go ahead, pick up that paintbrush or pencil, pick up a chunk of clay, or dive into that writing project – the benefits might surprise you. And remember every kid was an artist, so it’s just a matter of remembering how to let loose the with your creativity. And don’t be critical, nobody has to see. But if you do decide to exhibit your work, you might just become a thriving artist.

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