My relationship with art

What relationships have a positive impact on you?

As a child, the world was a blank page waiting to be scribbled across with big fat brightly coloured crayons. I fell in love with art early on, finding joy in immersing myself in my imagination and filling pages with the weird and wonderful. As an introvert creativity was my sanctuary, a place where I could escape and give life to the whatever was lurking in my mind.

However, as life unfolded, practicality took precedence. The necessity of earning a living led me down a path far from arty land. I found myself entangled in jobs that paid the bills but left my creative spirit yearning for expression. The vibrant colors of my childhood turned to black and white as I navigated the demands of adulthood.

It took the realization that a life without embracing one’s creativity is a life half-lived. The void left by the absence of art in my life became palpable, and I knew something needed to change. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery listening to podcasts while driving most daylight hours in a courier van, I seeked the balance between practicality and passion.

The turning point came with the birth of my children. Parenthood not only brought new responsibilities but also served as a catalyst for rediscovering my love for art. The simple joy of sharing creative moments with my kids opened a portal to the past. It was in the fun-filled sessions of illustrating and creating children’s books that I found my way back to my passion for art.

I now realise that being creative isn’t just an activity – it’s a state of being. The colors have returned to my life, more vivid and expressive than ever. In the end, this journey back to art has taught me a valuable lesson: the pursuit of a fulfilling life isn’t just about paying bills and meeting obligations; it’s about nurturing the creative spirit within and allowing it to flourish. Through the lens of art, I’ve found a profound sense of purpose and joy. That I think is a thriving artist, even if you don’t make a living from it.

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