From University to Road Movies: A Cinematic Journey

What colleges have you attended?

In the pursuit of a dream, sometimes the conventional path isn’t the only way to success. My journey into the world of filmmaking began with a decision that many might find unconventional – I left university just a few months into my film studies program. Instead of accumulating debt, I chose to invest that money directly into making films.

With a small group of passionate friends, we embarked on our cinematic endeavors. The real-world experience taught me more about filmmaking than any lecture hall could. We were crafting stories, learning the nuances of the industry, and finding our unique voices as filmmakers.

As we delved into creating corporate videos, the practical knowledge we gained was invaluable. Our small film business not only honed our technical skills but also taught us the importance of collaboration, client relations, and meeting tight deadlines. It was a crash course in the realities of the filmmaking business.

After a considerable time in the industry, I found myself drawn to a different aspect of cinema – film projection. That’s when the idea of Road Movie Mobile Cinema was born. The concept was simple but groundbreaking at the time – a mobile cinema that traveled the country, bringing the magic of movies to different communities.

For the next 20 years, Road Movie Mobile Cinema became a testament to the power of real-life experience over formal education. Traveling from town to town, I screened films under the stars creating memorable cinematic experiences for people who might not have access to traditional theaters. The journey was not just about projecting films; it was about connecting with diverse audiences and celebrating the shared joy of storytelling.

While college or university education undoubtedly offers valuable networking opportunities, my experience has shown that nothing beats the lessons learned in the field. The hands-on approach to filmmaking, the challenges of running a business, and the nomadic adventure of Road Movie Mobile Cinema became the pillars of my unconventional creative journey.

In retrospect, I realize that choosing experience over academia was the best decision for me. It allowed me to carve my own path, learn from mistakes, and find success in unexpected places. As the road unfolded before me, so did the stories on the screen, proving that sometimes, the journey itself is the most captivating tale of all.

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