An Artist’s Perspective on ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear”

What could you do differently?

I could apply some Atomic Habits to my creative practice 🤔

Habits play a massive role in shaping an artists creative journey. James Clear’s ‘Atomic Habits’ proves to be a bit of a guide for artists seeking to refine their craft through intentional routines. As an artist myself, I’d be interested to see if some Atomic Habits could move the needle for me.

Clear’s emphasis on the compounding effect of tiny habits resonates with my artistic process. Like my create everyday rule for creating at least 5 minutes every day, to keep your artistic projects progressing. Small amounts add up to something over time and most times you end up spending more than 5 mins. The act of starting is actually the hard bit.

‘Atomic Habits’ suggests you should be optimising your environment to support positive behaviors. For artists, this translates to curating a workspace that stimulates creativity, fostering an atmosphere where inspiration flows effortlessly. Also having your creative space or equipment always ready. I carry my iPad and sketchbook everywhere, so that when time becomes available there is very little friction to getting started on my art.

The book also explores the concept of identity-based habits, urging you to align your habits with the person you aspire to become namely a thriving artist. This idea prompts a reflection on how our creative habits shape our artistic identity and contribute to our evolution as creators. I always ask myself what would a thriving artist do in this situation.

Artists often face creative plateaus, and ‘Atomic Habits’ has strategies to overcome these challenges. Clear’s framework encourages artists to identify and address the habits that may hinder artistic growth, fostering a continuous cycle of improvement.

Rituals, as discussed by Clear, serve as a catalyst for entering a state of flow. Artists can draw inspiration from these insights, establishing rituals that trigger their creative mindset and pave the way for immersive, productive artistic sessions.

In the hands of an artist, ‘Atomic Habits’ becomes a useful guide for refining the artistic process. By understanding the profound impact of habits on creativity, artists can sculpt their routines, environments, and identities to foster a lifelong journey of artistic growth.

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