Documenting my artistic Journey to Success… eventually

What is your mission?

To become a thriving, successful artist that can not only make a living, but actually support my family by creating the work that I love.

I’ve decided to document almost every step of my artistic journey through various platforms. My podcast, YouTube channel, and blog serve as the canvas on which I’ll scrawl insane spirals of blood and tears in my pursuit of success, hoping that it might inspire and guide fellow artists on their own quests… or just act a warning for other artists to not be so silly.

As I navigate the twists and turns of this artistic odyssey, I hope that my story resonates with those who dream of turning their creative passion into a profession. Through the podcast, YouTube channel, and blog, I invite you to witness the evolution of an artist, the struggles, small wins, and the wavering dedication to a life shaped by compulsive creation. Even if it does take my entire life to get there, but they do say love the process and enjoy the journey.

Join me on this mildly amusing adventure, where the finger meets the iPad and the words happy dance on the page, and the world of children’s books unfolds one illustration at a time. Together, let’s paint a monochrome picture of a future where artists not only survive but thrive and survive, leaving a legacy of inspiration for generations to come.

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