Art Blocks

If you could un-invent something, what would it be?

In the twisted carnival of creation, where chaos and brilliance dance a reckless tango, there are inventions that mock the very essence of the thriving artist. As I plunge into the depths of invention un-wishlisting, imagine a world where the atomic bomb is but a distant nightmare, and torture is just a bad dream in a questionable late-night taco binge.

  1. Alarm Clocks: These infernal contraptions, designed to drag you from the sweet embrace of dreams, are the arch-nemesis of every artist. Imagine a world where time bows to your whims, where deadlines are but mere suggestions, and the snooze button reigns supreme. It’s a utopia where creativity flows unhinged, unshackled by the relentless tick-tock tyranny.
  2. Autocorrect: For a thriving artist, the journey of words is a tumultuous affair. Autocorrect, that mischievous grammar gremlin, delights in turning your prose into a linguistic circus. Unleash the madness of typos, let words run free, and revel in the glorious chaos of untamed expression.
  3. Slow Wi-Fi: In a world where information is gold, slow internet is the artist’s kryptonite. I’d banish this digital nemesis to the pits of buffering hell, ensuring artists can upload, download, and stream their genius without the torment of a loading circle.

The artist thrives in calm solitude, unshackled by the burdens of ticking clocks, tyrannical technology, and blank screens. So, fellow creators, let us embark on this creative journey, where the only limit is the edge of the canvas and the bounds of our own untamed minds.

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