Choose Buslife

What is your all time favorite automobile?

Meet Milly, the unassuming school bus from Mildura that has undergone a remarkable transformation. Once a humble carrier of students, Milly now stands as a testament to creativity and resourcefulness, having been converted into a charming tiny house on wheels. The conversion is far from complete, but we can definitely live on her now.

Our Bus Milly on Instagram

The project began with a vision to repurpose a retired school bus into a comfortable and functional tiny home. We were driven by a desire for a more sustainable and adventurous lifestyle and we saw potential in the surprisingly spacious structure of the bus. Our dream was to create a mobile dwelling that could travel anywhere while providing the comforts of home.

Converting a school bus into a tiny house involves more than just aesthetic changes. Milly is undergoing a comprehensive overhaul, with careful attention to detail. The interior has been redesigned to maximize space efficiency, incorporating a cozy living area, a compact kitchen, eventually a functional bathroom, and comfortable sleeping nooks.

Milly’s transformation isn’t just about creating a stylish living space; it’s also also about sustainable living. The bus will eventually be equipped with eco-friendly features, such as solar panels to harness energy from the sun, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient appliances. We even created a podcast called ‘Choose Buslife’ documenting Milly’s bus conversion.

Listen to the podcast about Milly’s bus conversion

Milly, the school bus turned tiny house on wheels, represents the power of imagination and resourcefulness. Her transformation from a standard school bus to a cozy and sustainable dwelling showcases the endless possibilities of repurposing existing structures for a more mindful lifestyle. Hopefully we will have some final picture of her soon where she’s all complete and looking beautiful.

I also made some Merch for the podcast which celebrates the joy of buslife 🚌👇

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